Stratholme Service Entrance Dungeon Guide for World of Warcraft

Описание к видео Stratholme Service Entrance Dungeon Guide for World of Warcraft

Hey guys!

Matt here with a guide for the Stratholme Service Entrance Dungeon including killing all bosses and completing the quests.

I am making guides just for fun in all of the dungeons I am completing as I return to World of Warcraft.

I will also be making gold guides, pvp videos, and just fun stuff that i find along the way to share with you guys.

I am really new to this video thing, and my computer came with a recording Software called Nvidia Shadowplay that I am trying to learn how to use.

Thank you guys for watching, please like and subscribe and hit that little Bell Icon for future videos!


  / mattdoeshisbest  

World of Warcraft Joke: How does Naxxramas fly?

With its four wings.

Lore: Once the jewel of northern Lordaeron, the city of Stratholme is where Prince Arthas turned against his mentor, Uther Lightbringer, and slaughtered hundreds of his own subjects who were believed to have contracted the dreaded plague of undeath. Arthas' downward spiral and ultimate surrender to the Lich King soon followed.

The broken, burning city came to be a haven for the undead Scourge, who gathered behind Stratholme's massive watchtowers and iron gates. In years past, both champions of the Light and zealots of the Scarlet Crusade ventured into Stratholme to battle these monstrosities - and, almost to a man, they failed.

Now, these former champions of humanity stand resurrected, bolstering the Scourge further. If they are not sealed in their lair, the forces of undeath, led by the death knight Lord Aurius Rivendare and the dreadlord Balnazzar, will soon boil forth to ravage Lordaeron once again.


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