Effective Meetings: Simulated Exercise for Chairing & Minute Taking

Описание к видео Effective Meetings: Simulated Exercise for Chairing & Minute Taking

This video has been created to simulate a meeting for people to practice taking minutes during a business meeting.

Are you running an effective meetings course? Do you have to support a team by providing an effective action plan? If so, please feel free to use this free video as a training tool in your next meeting or learning event.

COMPANY NAME: Standard Insurance UK plc

Welcome New Team Member (Minute Taker)
Introduction of New HR Manager
Parking Space Allocation
General Updates
Any other Business

Rita MacDonnell (Managing Director)
Jason Somerville (Products & Marketing Director)
Lucy Strokes (PA to Rita)
Sue Carpender (Sales Director)
Julian Geddes (HR Manager)
Frank Lyons (Facilities)

Discussion Questions:
What would the actions be for each participant?
How could the Chairperson be more effective?
What behaviours helps or hindered this meeting?
What behaviours and actions could your team do to prevent this type of meeting occurring in your workplace?

For further resources please visit www.aproposltd.net/free
Contact Apropos Productions directly on [email protected]

COPYRIGHT © Apropos Productions Ltd. 2015


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