Описание к видео FAIL TWISTS MONO DOUBLE FRONT GIMMELWALD what not to do ...

this video shows how luck can save your life , november 2020 i'm jumping every day all day long , 10 to 12 jumps a day . On that day it was foggy and rainy after a long night of snow, the ramp was in the cloud and we decided after wait for almost an hour to go back down , in Gimmelwald we decided to go to the rope. when we got there it was clear but super wet and slippery . As I had done plenty of front flips there that week I thought it wouldnt be a big deal to do frontflips with the mono... well i was wrong : when i got out of the second frontflip the legs inflated and made me go head low , I got scared and pulled thinking id be too low if I waited to stabilize. This resulted in lots of twists but I luckily only had a 90 left and ended up in the softest tree . 2 hours later i was jumping again (flat and stable) unharmed ...

Reminder : Complacency will kill you if you run out of luck . I got lucky on this one but really took a step back to think about what happened
If you are not sure on an exit but tell yourself it will be ok you shouldnt jump

There is a big difference between being scared but 100% sure (sure about the numbers, your technique, your level, your training) and focused, and being scared and thinking it will be fine. without having trained this new aerial or suit before

if you are not sure dont do it

After that jump I started training for line twists. I visualize twists before every jump watch videos of twists every week.


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