SO CLEVER!!! Here's the Thursday Grid! So Come In, Take a Sip, & WINE DOWN on the NYT Crossword! 🍷

Описание к видео SO CLEVER!!! Here's the Thursday Grid! So Come In, Take a Sip, & WINE DOWN on the NYT Crossword! 🍷

New York Times Crossword for 6 June 2024: Let’s Wine Down!

Let's do the Xword together!




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ASMR? Can it make you witty? Clever? Let's find out and WINE DOWN with the NYT Crossword! 🍷

My name is Christopher, and I love the New York Times Crossword Puzzle. I have been doing it daily for over 30 years, and while I am certainly no Rex Parker, I love finishing them every day for that little dose of accomplishment. But then again, I also make my bed every day. So there’s always that, too.

But maybe you want to become a better crossword solver. Maybe you're a master solver and simply want to lord over simple minds such as mine. Either way, this is simply an opportunity to share the way I go about solving the New York Times Crossword Puzzle Sunday thru Saturday each week. Use these videos as background noise if you wish, or leave a comment after scrutinizing my logic. Completely up to you. But I really enjoy doing the NYTX, and if you do, too, let's do the daily puzzle together. Cin-Cin! 🍸


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