GUARANTEE You Channel Your Guardian Angel - Week 5 - Preparing to Channel with Your Guardian Angel

Описание к видео GUARANTEE You Channel Your Guardian Angel - Week 5 - Preparing to Channel with Your Guardian Angel

Week 5 - Tressarn shares a technique which creates a familiarity and an ability to recognize your guardian angel's energy in order that you can create a secure and enjoyable communication channel between you.
Preparing to Channel with Your Guardian Angel with Ros Place and Tressarn
Playsheet here:

What is Preparing to Channel with Your Guardian Angel?

Over 6 weeks together we will create a safe and effective foundation to channeling your guardian angel.

• We will begin with the mind's role in safety and understand how to create an environment of peace, which allows trust to develop.

• We will next step into physical comfort as an important aspect of channeling your guardian angel for effectiveness and also deep enjoyment of the process.

• You will gain an understanding of the environment which is necessary within your mind and your body in order to be safe, feel safe, and create the necessary trust prior to opening your heart center.

• You will experience a gentle, appropriate, and personally aligned experience of letting go of barriers and limitations which are holding you back in your personal life and your spiritual life.

• You will experience healing to the parts of you which have been hurt and wounded and are ready to be brought into the light in order to gently and lovingly heal.

• You will learn a technique which creates a familiarity and an ability to recognize your guardian angel's energy in order that you can create a secure and enjoyable communication channel between you.

• You'll learn a simple step by step process to prepare you to channel your guardian angel and bring deep peace and comfort into your body, into your mind, and into all aspects of your human experience.

• You will learn the ability to be effortlessly present and connected to yourself within your daily life and with your guardian angel.

• You will learn the experience of the physical sensation of how it feels to enjoy an inner space, which is the space from which channeling your guardian angel will be without effort or trying, and perhaps a new experience of allowing.

And you will have enjoyed an experience of exquisite healing, love, and have installed the vibration of allowing all good things, including communication with your guardian angel into your life.

All from the elevated and energetically powerful location of the Peruvian Andes at 3,400 meters above sea level above the noise, and in clear and uniquely, pure and highly concentrated energy.

Channeled Weekly Meditation from Tressarn
You will enjoy a channeled meditation to support each stage of preparing to channel your guardian angel to enjoy listening to and embedding.

Unique Human and Guardian Angel Experience
You will join a collective of humans all preparing to channel their guardian angel, and experience the unique energy of humans and guardian angels connecting and the vast experience of love that this connection will provide.

All Are Welcome
All are welcome regardless of experience as this foundational piece will create solidity and groundedness for all who feel called to connect.

What will I have accomplished by the end?
Once Preparing to Channel your Guardian Angel is complete, you will have an unshakeable foundation for channeling your Guardian Angel. You will have established the safe environment necessary to create within yourself, in order to authentically open to your guardian angel’s communication.

And so it is.

Here is some logistical information from me:

What if I can’t be there in person?
That’s ok. If you can’t be with us at all, or only sometimes, you will receive the full recording every Wednesday afternoon to watch at your convenience.

What if I have questions?
We love questions! You can email me at anytime with questions about the upcoming or our already aired call. We will take questions at the end of our weekly calls. We will answer questions submitted in advance at the end of our weekly calls. Tressarn will choose some questions to answer in between our weekly calls and provide chanel guidance.

Will I be on camera?
No, you will not be on camera. This is a weekly live event and you can communicate if you wish inside the chat feature.

How long are the classes?
Our weekly events are 60 minutes of live training led by Tressarn. We will be available for up to 30 minutes after the call, to answer any questions.


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