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The plant nutrients I use (Growth Technology Australia Foliage Focus) are now available in the US:
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Soltech (I use the Aspect & Vita):    • LET THERE BE LIGHT - reviewing & test...  
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2. You receive 15% off store wide using discount code 'Sydneyplantguy'

💡Mother Plant Spectrum 32:    • Let's talk about LIGHT - how to optim...  
💡Mother 'The Forest':    • BUILDING A 'FOREST' INSIDE MY BEDROOM...  
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00:00 Intro
01:18 In the first year of your plant journey, how did you prepare your plants for the change from summer to winter?
02:06 Which plants would you currently like to say goodbye to?
03:30 Have you ever considered growing your own Sphagnum Moss?
4:52 What are things you wish you’d know or done earlier that would make you better at planting?
08:12 Do you experience any problems with them like fungus, problems with unfurling etc?
08:56 Why did you move to Australia?
10:10 What are your thoughts on terracotta pots?
11:55 How are the plants in your new greenhouse doing?
12:57 Have you ever noticed hydrophobic spots in your aroid mixture when watering your plants?
14:57 Whats the most important for your plants on winter? keeping the temperature or give more light?
15:45 Any tips or suggestions on how to get a better idea of when to water using your aroid mix?
18:07 What is the best way to adapt plants that are established in soil into an aroid mix
20:28 Do you collect rainwater for your plants? Any recommendation on rainwater vs tap water vs filtered water?
21:41 What do you think about the “Lechuza-Pon” and the self-watering pots?
22:31 What is a genus of plants that you avoid, or aroids that you don’t want to get into?
23:02 Where did your plant journey start for you and what made you buy your first plant and do you still have that special plant
24:32 What’s was the smallest plant you put on a moss pole?
25:49 How often do you replace the moss of your moss poles?
27:31 How do you mix substrate for Alocasias? Spesificly A.Jacklyn?
28:27 Do you have a vlog channel? I would like to know more about your vegan journey
31:14 What’s your treatment strategy for the dreaded Spider Mite?
33:53 Where do you get all or most of your house plants? Online or shops?
34:15 Have you ever tried growing a crawler as a climber?
34:26 Do I have to make additional holes on the bottom for drainage or the sides for air flow?
35:22 How deep are your transparent pots?
36:35 Who is your tennis GOAT, and what plant is your GOAT?
37:11 Do you have any Anthuriums other than the crystallinums and vitarihfolium.
38:29 What’s your trick for keeping your moss poles from going dry?
41:16 Would love to hear your thought process behind deciding on starting a climbing Philo with multiple cuttings
45:50 2 part fart, what do you do when a plant has trouble unfurling a leaf? What are your thoughts on a trailing Melanochrysum?
47:56 What are your plant aspirations moving forward?
50:59 Is there any wishlist plant you'd like that seems unattainable? (due to price, availability, etc)
52:06 What’s your least favorite part of your plant hobby?
55:56 How do you manage to keep moss poles moist while you are away for more than a week?
56:10 How often do your poles dry up?
58:30 How cold is your winter over there?
1:00:00 How many plants you grow with grow lights?
1:02:36 What inspired you to build the Green House?
1:03:12 I'm curious if you have any plant content creators that you enjoy/ recommend/ inspired by, or do you find most to be annoying bragfests with very little substance?
1:08:44 What kind of manjula do you have?
1:11:16 How would you deal with meeting a partner that doesn't enjoy plants?
1:12:49 Would you ever dabble into the hoya species and why?
1:13:19 How to avoid browning on the white portion of a variegated Monstera
1:14:43 Why some of my plants don’t grow onto my moss pole. And it’s gotten worse since I attached the moss pole.
1:16:56 What type of fertilizer do you use and how do the grow a beautiful and big ?
1:20:02 Can you make another video philodendron sodiroi propagation ??
1:20:30 Which plant should I start with ? If I don’t have enough light in my rooms, will a 15/20$ light on the internet do the trick ?
1:23:35 Should I water my moss pole even if the plant hasn't grabbed on to it yet .
1:25:01 I have a cutting of monestera which has 2 nodes. How shall i prepare it’s potting mix?
1:26:03 How do you truely keep them pest free?
1:26:56 Why is my Thai Constellation growing so slowly?
1:28:18 If you had to choose between Brad and all your plants, who are you choosing ?


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