Blue Note Messengers Live at LITE SALON『Mama Too Tight 』Mama Too Tight by Archie Shepp

Описание к видео Blue Note Messengers Live at LITE SALON『Mama Too Tight 』Mama Too Tight by Archie Shepp

Blue Note Messengers Live at LITE SALON『Mama Too Tight 』by Archie Shepp
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第二季的 Blue Note Messengers 大家久等了
雖然我們是 Blue Note Messengers,但這次我們詮釋了1960 年成立的重要廠牌 Impulse Record,節目將會延續三季,這次的錄音採錄音室等級規格分軌錄製,並由我本人花了一個月的時間混音、母帶後製,請大家好好享受這場在2022年3月4號的爵士饗宴,跟著我們回到1960-1967年時Impulse 唱片所創立的的黃金王朝

Impulse 以 「The New Wave of Jazz 」作為廠牌座右銘,開發出有別於Blue Note 時期的典型重奏樂團,加入管絃樂團、靈性爵士、自由爵士、融合爵士,並且將不被 Blue Note 廠牌重視的長號、鼓手、作曲家做為發專輯的要角,在這樣多元與新浪潮的推動下,John Coltrane 在 Impulse 創造了全新的四重奏聲響並且留下了不可動搖的作品「A Love Supreme」。
Mama Too Tight

Mama Too Tight 由 Tenor Saxophone 演奏家 Archie Shepp 於 1962年於 Impulse 廠牌發行的 Mama Too Tight 專輯

Archie Shepp 參與 Coltrane 轉向自由爵士風格後的每一張錄音,在自己的專輯更是把自由爵士的雜亂印象轉變成清晰有跡可循的作品,和聲與張力依舊保持自由爵士的非調性與線性發展,但聲部與聲部之間與發展段落更清晰,可以說是受到第三潮流(古典樂現代樂風)的重要流派,也用作品反映了當時多社會運動如『Fire Music』專輯裡的 「Malcolm, Malcolm Semper Malcolm 」整體來說 Archie 在 Impules 留下了藝術成分極高的一系列作品,後期70年則是留下好幾張福音放克專輯

Mama Too Tight 以 F7 屬七調性為主軸,8 小節 Intro+12 小節 A 段的架構搭上 Funk 節奏與三支管樂彷彿 James Brown 的高能量舞曲,動聽且洗腦。

Listen to Full Show 演出完整版(音值較佳):


The second season of Blue Note Messengers everyone has been waiting for a long time
Although we are Blue Note Messengers, this time we interpret Impulse Record, an important label established in 1960. The program will last for three seasons. This time the recording was recorded in studio-level specifications, and it took me a month of Mixing and post-mastering, please enjoy this jazz feast on March 4, 2022, and follow us back to the golden dynasty founded by Impulse Records from 1960 to 1967

With "The New Wave of Jazz" as the label motto, Impulse has developed a typical ensemble band that is different from the Blue Note period, and has joined the orchestra, spiritual jazz, free jazz, and fusion jazz, and will not be valued by the Blue Note label Trombone, drummer, and composer are the key players in the album. Driven by such diversity and new waves, John Coltrane created a new quartet sound in Impulse and left an unshakable work "A Love Supreme".
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Mama Too Tight

Mama Too Tight by Tenor Saxophone player Archie Shepp, released in 1962 on the Impulse label Mama Too Tight

Archie Shepp participated in every recording after Coltrane turned to the free jazz style. In his own album, he transformed the messy impression of free jazz into clear and traceable works, and the harmony and tension still maintained the non-tonal It develops linearly, but the development between parts and parts is clearer. It can be said that it is an important genre influenced by the third trend (classical music and modern music style). It also reflects the many social movements at that time. "Malcolm, Malcolm Semper Malcolm" On the whole, Archie left a series of works with high artistic content in Impulse and left several gospel funk albums in the later 70s

Mama Too Tight takes F7 as the main axis, and the structure of 8-bar Intro+12-bar section A is matched with Funk rhythm and three-wind music, which is like James Brown's high-energy dance music, which is beautiful and brainwashing.

#Grace Weng
#Nick Javier


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