司徒末半夜昏倒,顧未易心急如焚連忙叫救護車| 致我們暖暖的小時光 Put Your Head on My Shoulder

Описание к видео 司徒末半夜昏倒,顧未易心急如焚連忙叫救護車| 致我們暖暖的小時光 Put Your Head on My Shoulder

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【劇名】 致我們暖暖的小時光 Put Your Head on My Shoulder

【Synopsis】As Si Tu Mo’s graduation is nearing, she is confused about her future plans. She tries out all sorts of things all the time and is unable to make her own decisions. Her ordinary days are suddenly shaken up when the genius Physics student Gu Wei Yi appears in her life. The two accidentally end up living together and chaos begins.
【Starring】Xing Fei, Lin Yi, Tang Xiaotian, Zhou Junwei
#邢菲 #林一 #唐曉天 #周峻緯 #顧未易 #司徒末 #致我們暖暖的小時光 #PutYourHeadonMyShoulder #中國電視劇 #chinesedrama #situmo #guweiyi #kiss #zhoujunwei #Mylittlehappiness #我的小確幸 #YourC​drama #xingfei #liny #tangxiaotian


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