POV Footage of the restricted Kawasaki Ninja ZX4RR chasing the 600cc motorcycles.

Описание к видео POV Footage of the restricted Kawasaki Ninja ZX4RR chasing the 600cc motorcycles.

This is a short video of a group ride I did this season. What you see ahead are 600cc motorcycles. The zx4rr did a pretty good job keeping up.

The bike is still restricted and only makes about 52 bhp. I could feel the power drop post 11k rpm every time I tried to redline it.

I'm still figuring out my audio and will be investing in some good wireless microphones next season for better audio.
Recoded somewhere in Mexico when went there for a few days

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DISCLAIMERS:**All videos are filmed on a closed course in Mexico with trained professionals and were sent to me anonymously.

All content under this domain has neither any affiliation with its poster nor any relation to the riders portrayed in any way which includes, but is not limited to his or her likeness, locations, or personal identity.


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