Last Week in Buddha GArden September 16 - Septempber 21st 2024

Описание к видео Last Week in Buddha GArden September 16 - Septempber 21st 2024

This week, with the future of the farm still very uncertain, Rajan and I have been talking about how we can best use the land knowing that at any moment we will be asked to stop our activities. One thing we decided was to start a seed growing project which we will carry out on some of the beds in the Suryan garden. This video shows the first steps we took in starting this project which has ended up going much faster than I first thought. At the beginning of next year we will be inviting guests to come and do workshops and learn about how we carry out this work. We have carried out various other jobs like pruning our Thai basil. We didn’t cut it enough in the beginning so it went to seed very quickly. We pruned it in the hope it will start sprouting some more green leaves. Finally we are now very aware that we have three male turkeys. Having recently reached adulthood they seem to spend most of their time with tails up, strutting around and gobbling at each other. They are great fun to watch and to imagine the conversations they are having.


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