The Gwich'in - A Matter of Survival

Описание к видео The Gwich'in - A Matter of Survival

The Native Gwich'in people of Alaska and Canada have lived off the land for 10-thousand years and are dependent on caribou for their existence. Their lifestyle and culture revolve around the caribou. Some in the US Government and the oil industry are pushing to drill for oil in the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. New Community Project has built a relationship with the community of Arctic Village, Alaska 100 miles north of the Arctic circle.
For a quick view on YouTube of more PEGMedia films available from Brethren Voices:
Tags: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Environment, Nature, Earth, Human Rights, Gwich'in, Native Rights, New Community Project, Caribou

This film is available for any Public Access TV station in the country - and world - to broadcast. Phone your local public access TV station and ask them to broadcast this film. The station can download the film from for broadcast to your local community.


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