5 Tips for Parenting with a Mental Illness

Описание к видео 5 Tips for Parenting with a Mental Illness

5 Mental Health TipsParenting with a Mental Illness. Get more actionable tips and tactics here http://bit.ly/AngelasMHBlog

From today's Video

5 Mental Health Tips for Parenting with a Mental Illness:

#1 Seek help and make that a part of your family culture.

#2 Make sure your kids connect to other adults who can support them.

#3 ID your triggers.

#4 Ditch the guilt and work for acceptance.

#5 Your weakness can become a strength for your family.

Please subscribe for more videos on our Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBR4... —whether you’re fighting mental illness or have a loved one who is.

MENTAL ILLNESS:    • 10 Things Not to Say to Someone with ...  .

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