What's New in Minecraft Java Edition 1.13 Pre-release 5?

Описание к видео What's New in Minecraft Java Edition 1.13 Pre-release 5?

One more pre-release for Minecraft 1.13? Sure is, with crash fixes and other bug fixes. Here's an overview of all the changes! #minecraftemployee

slicedlime works as a Tech Lead for Minecraft at Mojang, but the YouTube and Twitch channels are personal projects run entirely in his spare time.

Official announcement: https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/m...

Minecraft news playlist:    • Minecraft News  

What's New in Minecraft 1.12?    • What's New in Minecraft 1.12?  

The Minecraft JIRA (bug tracker): https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC

If you want to play this pre-release, choose the "Latest Snapshot" profile in your launcher. Keep in mind that snapshots are unstable - they can break your world if you are unlucky - keep backups!

Changes in this version:
Fixed spider and chicken jockeys only spawning the additional mob
Fixed cods suffocating when touching a solid block from below
Fixed the drowned overlay turning dark blue when wearing enchanted armor
Fixed iron golems spawning inside blocks

Fixed the density of nether and overworld ore veins being significantly lower in 18w versions
Fixed the swimming state not ending when teleporting or jumping out of water
Fixed moving frosted ice preempting melting even under correct conditions
Fixed not being able to empty buckets against blocks with the state waterlogged
Fixed dispensers with empty buckets removing waterlogged blocks instead of drying them out
Fixed projectiles ignoring collisions for ~1 block after spawned
Fixed the ender dragon respawning when upgrading from 1.12 to 1.13-pre3

Commands & map making:
Fixed /datapack disable only working in the overworld
Fixed inverted tab-suggestions for argument values in entity selectors being suggested even if the typed prefix doesn't include an exclamation mark
Fixed input range entry and limits being reversed in error messages
Fixed the objective minecraft.used only ticking up when placing a block from a stack of 2 or more items

Tech stuff:
Renamed a lot of internal IDs to be more consistent with the game

Fixed the faulty netty-4.1.9.Final release causing players to be kicked from servers
Fixed malformed JSON as 'name' value for 'show_entity' hoverEvent causing a crash
Fixed opening the player inventory with visible recipe book after using beacon causing a crash

Music: "Palms Rise" by Dan-O (https://dansongs.com) and outro music "The Fire" by Amarante (http://amarante.bandcamp.com) licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...)


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