Ophthalmology - Glaucoma Drugs made Easy | Tricks & Mnemonics | NEETPG 22 LMR | Dr. Nikita Nanwani

Описание к видео Ophthalmology - Glaucoma Drugs made Easy | Tricks & Mnemonics | NEETPG 22 LMR | Dr. Nikita Nanwani

In this youTube live session , Dr. Nikita Nanwani will Simplify Glaucoma Drugs - Ophthalmology with Easy tricks and Mnemonics.

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About :
Dr.Nikita is a Radiologist by profession, a passionate teacher, youtuber, mentor, guide to NEET PG students. Her channel Dr.Nikita’s Radsynapse is the ULTIMATE channel for NEETPG/AIIMS/DNB/FMGE preparation. It gives you a holistic approach to your preparation, self help, self improvement & lifestyle.


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