Львенок никогда не встречал своего двоюродного брата | Львица покидает свою группу

Описание к видео Львенок никогда не встречал своего двоюродного брата | Львица покидает свою группу

The lion cub has never met its cousin. mother leaves her group while pregnant .. long time no see her sister

this is just a fake story that I made myself ..
don't think wrong, I just made a different storyline to entertain you.

if there claim copyright in this video (don't report)
please pleasee..🙏 send message at email [email protected]

to removal or credit full for respectif the owner

I'm sorry, I'm doing this to support my parents' life.

that's why I ask for forgiveness, send a message via email and I will delete this video if there copyright by the owner

may god repay your kindness.. god bless you


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