How to Never Lose Anything in Your Purse Again!

Описание к видео How to Never Lose Anything in Your Purse Again!

I really wanted to do a "What's in my Purse" video...but then I remembered I wasn't a beauty guru. So, I'm gonna tell you how to organize it instead ;-)

A lot of items can get lost in your purse during the course of the day. We're reaching in, grabbing money, grabbing lipstick or phones and things like that and it can be really easy for items to get lost in the abyss of your bag. Well, let me introduce a couple of simple concepts that have helped me keep my purse organized. So, first I'll show you what's in my purse and introduce you to the first concept which is compartmentalization. If you've ever wondered what to do with those little cosmetic bags you get from Sephora well, here's what you can do. Use them to compartmentalize your purse. Secondly, I do not carry the possible contents of my purse in my purse at all times. I would like to introduce you to the concept of the purse bin! I hope you enjoy this video!

But this isn't the only thing in my purse. Don't believe me? Well, let me show you, where the rest of the contents of my purse are.

In.Bag Purse Organizer:
Alternate Bag Purse Organizer:


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Keep On Going - Music by Joakim Karud    / joakimkarud  


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