3. If Money Wasn’t the Problem, What Would You Choose?

Описание к видео 3. If Money Wasn’t the Problem, What Would You Choose?

Further Money Courses And Content From Me: https://www.shannon-ohara.com/money/

Have you watched the first two Money Education videos in this series? If not I strongly recommend you go back and watch those first then this one.

How often do you make money the issue?

Did you know that money is never the issue? I know, hard to believe but bear with me.

Money is never the source of choice, it is a side effect of choice. Choice first, money second. When we make money the issue, we bypass or miss the most crucial component of creation, which is our choice.

The best way to get to the heart of what is true for you is to remove money as the deciding factor and issue. ‘If money was not the issue, what would I choose?’ is one of the most powerful tools you can use to break the cycle of financial insanity and access your choice.

I hope you enjoy ;)))

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#dainheer #howtomakemoney #moneyabundance #moneyawareness #lovemoney

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Money Consciousness Classes from Gary Douglas & Dain Heer: https://www.accessconsciousness.com/m...

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