Brze i lake posne kroasane - Quick and easy rolls with fasting margarine

Описание к видео Brze i lake posne kroasane - Quick and easy rolls with fasting margarine

Brze i lake posne kroasane
Kroasane sa posnim margarinom tako jednostavne, brze za pripremu a nestanu za tren, mozete ih puniti ajvarom, pecurkama ili ako volite vise slatke mozete i sa dzemom podjednako su sve lepe.Ja ih cesto pravim sa dzemom jer ih moi tako vole. Nadam se da cete napraviti i javiti mi kako vam se dopadaju, pisite mi u komentarima, delite recept sa vasim prijateljima. Puno vas sve ljubim vidimo se uskoro sa novim receptom iz moje kuhinje!
Potrebni sastojci za Brze i lake posne kroasane:
▶750 gr brasna
▶500 ml mlake vode
▶8 gr suvog kvasca
▶1 kasika secera
▶1 kasika soli
▶100 ml ulja
▶250 gr posnog margarina

Ako vam se sviđa ovaj recept, kliknite na dugme Sviđa mi se i podelite ga sa prijateljima i porodicom!
▶ PRIJAVITE se na kanal "AURORA RECEPTI" ⬇⬇⬇
▶   / @aurorarecepti  

Croissants with fasting margarine are so simple, quick to prepare and disappear in an instant, you can fill them with ajvar, mushrooms or if you like more sweets you can and with jam they are all equally beautiful. I often make them with jam because my family love them so much. I hope you will make and let me know how you like them, write me in the comments, share the recipe with your friends. I love you all so much see you soon with a new recipe from my kitchen!💖
Quick and easy rolls with fasting margarine :

Ingredients needed for Fast and Light Fasting Croissants:
▶ 750 g of flour
▶ 500 ml of warm water
▶ 8 g of dry yeast
▶ 1 teaspoon of sugar
▶ 1 tablespoon of salt
▶ 100 ml of oil
▶ 250 g of fasting margarine
Bon Appetit!!

If you like this recipe click the like button and share this recipe with your friends and family!
▶   / @aurorarecepti  

  / sanya_kitchen  
  / sanja.radosavljevic.790  
  / aurorarecepti
#fastingcroissants #fastingrolls #posnekroasane


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