The Young Boy with Cerebral Palsy who Changed the Law – Zach’s story | Imagine

Описание к видео The Young Boy with Cerebral Palsy who Changed the Law – Zach’s story | Imagine

When Zach was born, it was clear straight away that something was wrong. He appeared pale and floppy, requiring resuscitating. He sustained a brain injury following his ordeal, and at three years old was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Zach and his mum Claire were referred to us by Action Against Medical Accidents (AvMA) to investigate the care he received. Our medical negligence partner, Rachelle Mahapatra supported them in their claim, and helped Zach get the specialist therapies he needs, including speech and language, and physiotherapy.

Zach’s grown to become an incredible young man who just wants to help people. During Covid-19 lockdowns, he walked 2.6km around his garden raising money for the Epilepsy Society. More recently, a law has been passed in his name to stop online trolls who target people like Zach who have epilepsy.

We’ll help you to imagine what’s possible, so nothing feels impossible.

This is Zach’s Imagine story. Read more here:


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