Exploring MORE of Wikipedia's Worst Translations

Описание к видео Exploring MORE of Wikipedia's Worst Translations

A few months ago I went through Laotian Wikipedia using awful translation software.
So today, I decided to check again to see if the translation quality had improved. It had not. Enjoy more stinky exhibitions about some of the strangest named people you’ve ever seen.
The Buddha.

Museum (Art Exhibit) - Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Plunging Falls - Super Mario 3D World
Sand Canyon - Kirby’s Dreamland 3
Climb the Peak - Mario Party 7
Mother Russia - Hearts of Iron IV
Goomba’s Booty Boardwalk - Mario Party 8
Mushrooms - Terraria
Adrift - Game & Wario
This Way That - Mario Party 2
Wario’s Battle Canyon - Mario Party 1

subscript for more google translate funnies


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