Embrace Success - dub poem written by Omaall Wright, performed by D. White & C. Newman

Описание к видео Embrace Success - dub poem written by Omaall Wright, performed by D. White & C. Newman

Embrace Success - dub poetry written by Omaall Majah Bless Wright, performed by D. White & C. Newman. Drums, H. McLean and O. Wright.

Embrace Success by O. Wright

With God yu (can do it), (can do it), (can do it),
With God yu (can do it), (can do it), (can do it),
With God yu (can do it), (can do it), (can do it),
If yu can go through it, then yu can grow through it.

Girl 1
Mi use to love fight and love chat.
A girl dis mi, mi punch that.
Teacha call mi logga head, dunce bat.
Burning grabba was mi comphat.

Girl 2
As mi see a cute bwoy, mi tun fool.
A regular me use to skull school.
Hitch up pon corner a whul too.
Never abide by no rule.

Girl 3
Clothes and shoes was my thing.
Short up cause mi love show my skin.
Me never business bout self worth.
Tek een mi blouse and cut my skirt.

Girl 4
Mi never know who mi supposed to trust.
Follow friend and a bubble ina coaster bus.
Back and forth from town to country.
Nuh guh nuh school and a follow bad company.

Wi did rude, out of this dimension
Gi wi parents stress, hypertention.
Do some things, too sick to mention.
Until the Most High, had an intervention.

With God yu (can do it), (can do it), (can do it),
With God yu (can do it), (can do it), (can do it),
With God yu (can do it), (can do it), (can do it),
If yu can go through it, then yu can grow through it.

Girl 1
Girls, mi wonder if you mad.
Girl 2
Yu know the right, and still a do bad.
Girl 3
Look at the failures that you've had.
Girl 4
Embrace success, through God.

Girl 1
Those who go through it a the best to be.
Girl 2
Giving you, this tes-ti-mo-NY.
Girl 3
With God ina yu life, it mek sense.
Girl 4
Reach higher, for excellence.

Cause yu can be a lawyer a doctor.
Fix bones weh fracture, chiropractor.
Farmer, driving a tractor.
(Girl 1 one falls, they all run to her concerned. She laughs and gets up)

Girl 1.
Fooled you didn't I?
Am an actor!!!

With God yu (can do it), (can do it), (can do it),
With God yu (can do it), (can do it), (can do it),
With God yu (can do it), (can do it), (can do it),
If yu can go through it, then yu can grow through it.


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