Science This Morning -Part 1 (Gene Patenting Segment)

Описание к видео Science This Morning -Part 1 (Gene Patenting Segment)

Science This Morning (Segment 1 of 2)

Chad Holovach -Director,
Cheryl Trevino -Computer Wrangler
Natalie Debernardi -Cinematographer
Julia Catherine Rosebush -Storyboarder
Denise Wyatt -Key Grip
Year: 2000

This student made documentary uses a morning television show format to explore the controversy of "Gene Patenting." The student team explains: "We, the members of Luckie Duckie Productions, produced a film about gene patenting as part of a senior seminar class in the Lyman Briggs College at Michigan State University entitled: "Documenting Controversies in Science and the Media." Our goal was to produce a film where in a controversial issue in science was "debunked" from its portrayal in the media to its original scientific findings. In producing a film we were able to take a novel approach to learning about science and society. We would like to investigate and expose the ethical and scientific aspects surrounding the gene patenting controversy. Through public comment and expert opinion, we will attempt to debunk the common misconceptions concerning the gene patenting process. With various multimedia presentations, we hope to increase public awareness of the actual science surrounding this controversial topic that affects us all."

This film was created as part of a senior thesis research project in a course at Michigan State University. Learn more here:


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