Описание к видео LAT : YÜCE TURNA - ARAP PAGANİZMİ 7

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• İbn Hişam. Siret-i İbni Hişam, C. 1, s. 84, 125
• Buhari "Cihad ve's-Siyer"', 1 53, 191; "Megazi", 64; "Menakıbü'l-Ensar", 20;
• İbnü'l-Kelbi, Kitabu'l-Asnam, s. 30-31, 40-41
• İbn Habib, Kitabu'l-Muhabber, Haydarabad 1361/ 1942. s. 317
• Taberî, Târîḫu’r-rusül ve’l-mülûk (nşr. M. J. de Goeje), I-XV, Leiden 1879-1901, Cilt 9, Peygamberin Son Yılları, s. 45-46
• Ebu Davud, 3025;
• Ahmed b. Hanbel, Müsned, 4/218
• Healey, John F. (2001), The Religion of the Nabataeans: A Conspectus., pp. 112-114, 116
• Fahd, T., "al-Lat", in Bosworth et al. 1986, pp. 692
• Monaghan, Patricia (2014) Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines, p. 31
• Sykes, Egerton; Turner, Patricia (2014), Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities, p. 7, 8, 63
• Jordan, Michael (2014), Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, p. 13
• Corrente, Paola, "Dushara and Allāt alias Dionysos and Aphrodite in Herodotus 3.8", in Bernabé et al. 2013, pp. 263, 265, 266
• Histories I:131; III: 8, 131
• Hoyland, Robert G. (2002), Arabia and the Arabs: From the Bronze Age to the Coming of Islam, Routledge, p. 207
• Frank, Richard M. (2006), Arabic Theology, Arabic Philosophy: From the Many to the One: Essays in Celebration of Richard M. Frank, p. 96
• Teixidor, Javier (1979), The Pantheon of Palmyra, p. 62
• Eph'al. I., The Ancient Arabs Nomads on the Fertile Crescent 9th-5th Centuries B. C., Jerusalem 1982, p. 194.
• Colledge, p. 44; A.g.e., p. 134; 39. 49;
• Ingholt, H., Seyrig, H., Starcky, J ., and Caquot, A. Recueil des tesseres de Palmyre, Bibliotheque archeologique et historique, LVIII (Paris: P. Geuthner, 1955) (RTP) 1005; PNO, pl. 31:1;
• Seyrig, H. Syria 21 [1940] 327, fig. 35;
• Drijvers, Religion of Palmyra, pl. XXXVI
• "Tadmorea," Syria 14 [1933] 14, pl. IV;
• Schlumberger, D., La Palmyrene du Nord-ouest [inscriptions edited by H. lngholt and J. Starcky], Bibliotheque archeologique et historique, XLIX (Paris: P. Geuthner, 1951). (PNO), pl. 37: I
• Julian Orationes 4. 150CD. The text of Julian's oration acknowledging Iamblichos's identification of Azizos and Monimos with Ares and Hermes has been recently studied by H.J.W. Drijvers, "The Cult of Azizos and Monimos at Edessa," in Ex Orbe religionum [Festschrift G. Widengren] (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1972), pp. 355-371
• Joseph Henninger, 1981, Pre-Islamic Bedouin Religion, p. 11
• Sourdel 1952, 69; 73; Starcky 1966, col. 1001
• Schmitz, Leonhard (1870). "Urania 3." . In Smith, William (ed.). Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. 3. Little, Brown and Company. p. 1284
• A.g.e., "Alitta", p. 132
• Rapport sur une mission dans les regions desertiques de la Syrie Moyenne. Paris, 1903. (In Nouvelles archives des missions scientifiques , vol. X. pp. 411-744, with F. Macler), X. 411-745.
• Hawting, G. R. (1999), The Idea of Idolatry and the Emergence of Islam: From Polemic to History, Cambridge University Press, p. 143
• Stephen Herbert Langdon, M.A. Mythology of All Races, vol. V (Semitic), New York, Cooper Square Publishers, Inc. 1964. Reprint of Boston, 1931 original, pp. 15, 17;
• Cuneiform Texts (British Museum), xxiv. 13,1.39 and 25, 1.95
• A.g.e.; Origen, contra Celsum, V. 37
• CUMONT, F. V., Fouilles de Doura-Europus. Text and Atlas, Paris, 1926, p. 98.
• Monaghan, Patricia (2014) Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines, p. 59 (Allat);
• Jobling, W. J. “Desert Deities: Some New Epigraphic Evidence for the Deities Dushares and Al-Lat from the Aqaba-Ma’an Area of Southern Jordan.” Religious Traditions, Vol. 7–9 (1984-1986), P. 25–40;
• Septimus, Bernard. “Petrus Alfonsi on the Cult at Mecca.” Speculum, Vol. 56, No. 3 (July 1981), P. 517–533.
• Rabinowitz, Isaac. I. (1956), ‘Aramaic inscriptions of the fifth century B.C.E. from a northArab shrine in Egypt’, Journal of Near Eastern studies, XV, (1), 1-9 .
• Cooke, G.A. (1903), A Text-book of north-Semitic inscriptions (Oxford: Clarendon Press): 222;
• Winnett, F.V. (1940), ‘The daughters of Allah’, The Muslim world, XXX, 113-130: 124-127
• Mission archéologique en Arabie (A. Jaussen and R. Savignac. 1909 [I], 1914 [II], 506: Lih. no. 277
• Dussaud, R. (1955), La pénétration des Arabes en Syrie avant l’Islam (Paris: P. Geuthner): 142;
• Ryckmans G. (1934-35), Les noms propres sud-sémitiques, 3 tom. (Louvain: Bureaux du Muséon : 3)
• Buhl, F. (1936), art. ‘Al-Lāt’, Encyclopedia of Islam, III, 18-19: 18; Fahd, T. (1968), Le panthéon de l’Arabie centrale à la veille de l’Hégire (Paris: P. Geuthner) : 117-119
• Yefet b. 'Ali, Commentary on the Book of Daniel, pp. 127, 131 (Arabic), pp. 67, 70 (English)
• Polemische und apologetische Literatur, p. 312

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