Two Muslim congresswomen won't attend Pm Modi speech |ilhan omar tweet against pm modi

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‘Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib spitting poison by not attending PM Modi's US Congress address’
Atif Rasheed, former vice chairman of the National Commission for Minorities, said he belongs from religious minority of India, but he live freely with his religious freedom and religious identity in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's India.
Muslim Congresswomen who have decided to boycott PM Modi’s joint session address of the US Congress are “spitting poison” and “showing wrong picture of India under their hate agenda”, said Atif Rasheed, former vice chairman of the National Commission for Minorities.Two Muslim Congresswomen from the US Democratic Party – Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib – announced that they won’t be attending PM Modi’s speech at the joint session of the US Congress on Thursday, claiming that the “Modi government has repressed religious minorities”.
Slamming the US Congresswomen, Rasheed said, “I belong from religious Minority of India, but I live freely with my religious freedom and religious identity in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s India.”
Two Muslim Congresswomen from the US Democratic Party — Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib — announced their decision to boycott Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech at the joint session of the US Congress on Thursday, saying that the ‘Modi government has repressed religious minorities’.
“Prime Minister Modi’s government has repressed religious minorities, emboldened violent Hindu nationalist groups, and targeted journalists/human rights advocates with impunity. I will NOT be attending Modi’s speech," Ilhan Omar said ahead of PM Modi's address.Rashida Tlaib also wrote, “It’s shameful that Modi has been given a platform at our nation’s capital—his long history of human rights abuses, anti-democratic actions, targeting Muslims & religious minorities, and censoring journalists is unacceptable. I will be boycotting Modi’s joint address to Congress."
Reacting to the announcement, former vice chairman of the National Commission for Minorities, Atif Rasheed said, “I belong to a religious Minority Of India but I live freely with my religious freedom and religious identity in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's India, I have equal share in every resource here, I have the freedom to speak whatever I want in India."
'Pushed Aggressive Hindu Nationalism': US Democratic Leaders Ask Biden To Raise Concerns With Modi
Ilhan Omar and Cori Bush said they will be "boycotting" PM Modi's joint address to US Congress while Senator Bernie Sanders wanted US President Biden to raise concerns over the alleged oppression of minorities in India.
American leaders including Democratic party's Bernie Sanders, Cori Bush, and Ilhan Omar have urged United States President Joe Biden to raise concerns over the alleged oppression of minorities in India with Prime Minister Narendra who is currently on a state visit to the country. Biden is facing pressure from members of his own party, who are calling on him to express concerns about press freedom and the human rights situation in India under the Modi government and to directly address these issues in his bilateral talks.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders accused the Modi government of pushing "aggressive Hindu nationalism". In a tweet, Sanders expressed his concerns, saying, "Prime Minister Modi's government has cracked down on the press and civil society, jailed political opponents, and promoted an aggressive Hindu nationalism that leaves little room for India's religious minorities. President Biden should raise these issues in his meeting with Prime Minister Modi."Representative Ilhan Omar said that she would not attend Prime Minister Modi's joint address at Capitol Hill, alleging that he has "repressed religious minorities, empowered violent Hindu nationalist groups, and targeted journalists and human rights advocates with impunity." She further announced plans to hold a briefing with human rights groups to discuss Modi's record of repression and violence.Congresswoman Cori Bush also declared that she would be "boycotting" Prime Minister Modi's joint address to the US Congress.
Earlier, Senator Chris Van Hollen and Representative Pramila Jayapal had written a letter to President Biden urging him to raise human rights issues with Prime Minister Modi during his visit. Senator Van Hollen stated that the letter had garnered support from over 70 colleagues.


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