LEARN PANDAS in about 10 minutes! A great python module for Data Science!

Описание к видео LEARN PANDAS in about 10 minutes! A great python module for Data Science!

This python pandas tutorial is taken from the https://lectures.quantecon.org/py/ pandas tutorial.

Pandas is an excellent python module. It is designed for cleaning and analysing data. In this tutorial I show you how to use it.

3 Data Science Learning Platforms I would recommend

1. Data Quest - https://bit.ly/3hcLjbY (my favourite)
2 Data Camp - https://bit.ly/39erDk8
3 365 Data Science - https://bit.ly/3hbUHdd

2 Recommended Python Courses

1. Exploratory Data Analysis with Python and Pandas - https://bit.ly/2QXMpxJ
2. Complete Python Programmer Bootcamp - http://bit.ly/2OwUA09

Data Science Interview Preparation
StrataScratch https://bit.ly/30ul0nX

(These contain affiliate links, which means I receive a percentage of any sales made. There is no additional cost for anybody clicking on them)

For the links from the tutorial go to my facebook page.

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