Making Nickel Acetate easily and cheaply for Nickel plating

Описание к видео Making Nickel Acetate easily and cheaply for Nickel plating

Nickel plating chemicals can be expensive. This is the method I use to make my own Nickel Acetate solution for Nickel plating. This method id easy, cheap and safe. The acid used is Acetic acid , better known as Vinegar. The Nickel used must be 100% pure . I bought mine from China via Ebay.
Nickel acetate is safe to make and use, just keep it away from pets and children as drinking it is not a good idea. Wash your hands after handling it or wear rubber gloves. If you add too much Salt (Sodium Chloride) the process may smell like a swimming pool. (that's Chlorine gas).
So work in a well ventilated area to prevent Chlorine gas and Hydrogen gas from building up.


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