Critical Role Animatic: "Gingersnap Cookies" (C3E22)

Описание к видео Critical Role Animatic: "Gingersnap Cookies" (C3E22)

Let me just address something so that I wont have to explain it over and over. "You forgot to include this line" , "why did you remove that line" well
if a particular portion of the original audio is not included, I did NOT forget it, i INTENTIONALLY removed it for the following reasons:

1. if the line is accompanied by extra background noise from the cast such as: laughter, loud dice rolls, clanging sounds, etc. then I will remove those and adjust the narrative accordingly.

2. I only use voice lines from the cast while they are in character. I also remove portions of the audio where either Matt or the other players are narrating what they are doing (or what is currently happening in the scene).
If you notice on my past few videos they all have one thing in common NO NARRATION

3. If the portion of the audio is not that important to the scene that I am animating, that will also be intentionally removed. I like to keep the scenes short and i try to get to the punchlines quickly because I only have at the very least 59 seconds to retain the viewers attention.

TLDR: I dont forget to include some audio, it is all intentional.



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