Be the Bee # 157 | 3 Reasons to Fast from Social Media

Описание к видео Be the Bee # 157 | 3 Reasons to Fast from Social Media

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.”
(Romans 12:2)

Why do we fast from good things like tasty food? A the start of the Nativity Fast, we'll share three basic reasons why fasting helps transform our spiritual lives.

But then we'll go a little deeper and explore why these same reasons suggest you should fast, not just from food, but from social media as well.

As always, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you act on what you'll learn.


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End Theme:
"Noahs Stark," by krackatoa

Questions you might be struggling with, that we'll touch on in the video:

Is fasting good for your health?
Why do Christians fast?
How long do Christians fast?
What is the reason for fasting in Christianity?
Why do Orthodox fast?
Is it better to stay off social media?
Social media detox
Social media fasting
Is it better to stay off social media?
Reasons to fast from social media
What does the Bible say about fasting?
Why deleting social media is good for you
Teen depression
What is the main cause of depression among youth?
Rise of depression among youth

Thanks for watching. God bless you!

#BeTheBee #SocialMedia #OrthodoxChristianity


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