Little goody two shoes: All Rozenmarine events + endings

Описание к видео Little goody two shoes: All Rozenmarine events + endings

And done, 3 routes completed, sad to let the game the go but I explore every corner of it.
Rozenmarine relationship kinda sweet but being the cannon one is kinda weird to think about,


First date: 00:00:00
Misseable date invitation: 00:02:07
Second date: 00:03:00
Optional dialog: 00:06:40
Third date: 00:09:17
Suspicious behaviour: 00:12:33
Fourth date: 00:14:14
Suspicious behaviour 2: 00:17:18
Witch encounter: 00:18:54
Fifth date: 00:19:41
Suscpicious behaviour 3: 00:22:54
Witch trials: 00:24:17
Sixth date: 00:29:37
Suspicious behaviour 4: 00:32:18
Getting caught 00:33:47
Bad ending: 00:35:08
Boss fight: 00:36:35
Last date: 00:39:05
Extra dialogs: 00:43:11
The kiss ending: 00:44:46
Star crossed ending: 00:47:05
Moira ending: 00:53:16


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