AI Revolution: Five Things to Do Today to Prepare Your Organization for an AI Era

Описание к видео AI Revolution: Five Things to Do Today to Prepare Your Organization for an AI Era

Imagine standing at the forefront of innovation, where the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) unlocks new horizons for your business. In an era where AI transcends the boundary of possibility, becoming an indispensable tool for businesses of every caliber, the journey towards integration becomes not just a strategic move, but a necessity for survival and growth.

In our webinar, Moran Cerf, academic director at Columbia Business School Executive Education, talks about the complexities of AI integration and adoption, highlighting actionable strategies to not only prepare but also thrive in the AI era.

Learn more about our new The Business of AI program

In four days, participants delve into practical applications, focusing on the utilization of AI for informed decision-making and strategizing its integration within organizational structures. Engage in group activities to apply AI tools in business scenarios and learn about aligning organizational resources and structures for AI adoption.


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