FABLE: AEON EDITION - a Fable: The Lost Chapters overhaul mod (FULL RELEASE)

Описание к видео FABLE: AEON EDITION - a Fable: The Lost Chapters overhaul mod (FULL RELEASE)

So, as some of you may know, I created Fable Anniversary - REDUX and the TLC follow-up, Fable: Aeon Edition. Aeon Edition was released as a beta due to its instability, and then shelved due to me not being able to figure out why it was so buggy.

Until now! I've fixed the problem and now it's as stable as it'll ever be! As a result, I've released version 1.0 on Nexus. As well as the fix, I've also improved the balancing and added more things to find/kill throughout Albion!

Here's the short version of the things Aeon Edition features:

1) A complete rebalancing of the game, with a focus on difficulty and making you use all the tools available to you (similar to Redux but way better!)
2) Restored and repurposed cut content (Adrenaline Potions, repeater crossbows, neutral wizard hat, expressions etc.)
3) Mods from FableTLCMod incorporated into the game (weapons and armour)
4) 17 Silver Keys have been moved
5) Minibosses and custom enemies
6) Quality of life fixes (slower ageing, horns no longer cause baldness, some expressions no longer make you sheathe weapons etc.)
7) New areas to explore, with new chests and items to find as well
8) More populated towns

If this sounds up your street, the Nexus page is here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fablethelos...

Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/alexanderthealright

If you like the short films and silly memes I post (or my mods!), please consider subscribing! You can also donate to the new ko-fi I've set up if you'd like, but if you can't/don't want to, then that's also fine! I'll never paywall my mods or any of my online content, so don't worry about that. I also promise to never think less of any of you for not donating!

#fable #fabletlc #fablethelostchapters #gaming #modding #lionhead #lionheadstudios #microsoft


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