emeset | emeset tablet | uses | side effects | dosage | vomiting |nausea

Описание к видео emeset | emeset tablet | uses | side effects | dosage | vomiting |nausea

emeset | emeset tablet | uses | side effects | dosage,Emeset 4 MG Tablet is an antiemetic agent used to
treat nausea and vomiting caused due to certain
medical conditions. It is also used to treat nausea
and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy and
radiation therapy. This medicine is not
recommended for use in pediatrics below 4 years
of age.,Common side effects include diarrhea,
constipation, headache, sleepiness, and
itchiness. 1 Serious side effects include QT

prolongation and severe allergic reaction. It
appears to be safe during pregnancy but has not
It is a serotonin
been well studied in this group.
5-HT3 receptor antagonist." It does not have any
effect on dopamine receptors or muscarinic
Ondansetron was patented in 1984 and approved
for medical use in 1990.61 It is on the World Health
Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the
safest and most effective medicines needed in a

health system.17 It is available as a generic
medication. 1 The wholesale cost of the injectable

form in the developing world is about US$0.10 to
US$0.76 per dose. 8 In the United States it costs
about US$1.37 per tablet.1 In 2017, it was the
83rd most commonly prescribed medication in the
United States, with more than nine million
prescriptions. 19
Ondansetron, marketed under the brand name
Zofran, is a medication used to prevent nausea
and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy,
radiation therapy, or surgery. It is also effective

for treating gastroenteritis. It has no effect on
vomiting caused by motion sickness.14 It can be
given by mouth or by injection into a muscle or into
a vein.
#emeset#emeset uses # ondensetron


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