The Gate of the Desert - Ouarzazate【Colors.Morocco(8)】ENG SUB

Описание к видео The Gate of the Desert - Ouarzazate【Colors.Morocco(8)】ENG SUB

自上世紀五、六十年代起,瓦爾紮紮特吸引了世界各地眾多電影製作人紛至沓來。在這裡拍攝了許多膾炙人口影視作品. 這個撒哈拉沙漠邊緣的小鎮,一躍成為非洲好萊塢。
Ouarzazate is a Berber town located on the edge of the Western Sahara Desert. From here, you can cross the High Atlas Mountains and walk out of the desert. It is the gateway from Western Sahara to North Africa and even Europe, so it is also called the "Date of the Desert".
Since the 1950s and 1960s, Ouarzazate has attracted many filmmakers from all over the world. Many popular films and TV series have been shot here. This small town on the edge of the Sahara Desert has become a veritable Hollywood in Africa.
Taourirt Kasbah: 30.920246, -6.899326
Cinema Museum of Ouarzazate : 30.920998, -6.899338
Aït Benhaddou: 31.045998, -7.131544
Col du tichka Alt 2260: 31.285933, -7.380822
Café Restaurant Tagudalt: 31.475559, -7.423925

Appreciation and acknowledgement of the following video clips and pictures used in this video, also their licensing information:
Music in this video:
Auckland by VYEN at YouTube Audio library
Musicscreen | Jarra | Moroccan royalty free music,    • Musicscreen | Jarra | Moroccan royalt...  
Morocco traditional music ( no copyright ),    • Morocco traditional music ( no copyri...  


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