#16 My Ratings & Reviews with Pie Chart UI in SwiftUI | Taxi Driver & User App Development

Описание к видео #16 My Ratings & Reviews with Pie Chart UI in SwiftUI | Taxi Driver & User App Development

📱 Dive into SwiftUI development and explore how to create a visually engaging "My Ratings & Reviews" screen complete with a pie chart UI. Join us in this SwiftUI tutorial as we enhance the user experience for your Taxi Driver & User App.

🚀 Highlights:

-SwiftUI Pie Chart: Designing a dynamic pie chart to visualize user ratings.
-Ratings & Reviews UI: Building an appealing user interface for reviews and feedback.
-MVVM Architecture: Structuring your SwiftUI code for ratings and reviews management.

🔧 Features:

-SwiftUI UI Development
-Pie Chart UI
-Ratings & Reviews UI
-User Feedback Visualization
-MVVM Architecture
-Taxi Driver & User App Development
-SwiftUI Tutorial
-iOS App Development

📢 Get Involved:

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Github Source Code: https://github.com/codeforany/taxi_ap...

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#SwiftUI #TaxiApp #iOSDevelopment #RatingsAndReviews #PieChartUI #MVVM #SwiftUITutorial #iOSAppDevelopment #UserFeedback


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