Thomas & Friends Lionel Battery Operated O Gauge Train Set Review: The best AEG Thomas yet? 🏆🥇❓

Описание к видео Thomas & Friends Lionel Battery Operated O Gauge Train Set Review: The best AEG Thomas yet? 🏆🥇❓

Lionel has re-invented its O Gauge Thomas set for AEG... and seems to only be getting started! Could this be the best AEG Thomas to date?

Thomas Saves the Day (From "Thomas Reorchestrated: Sodor Symphony")Music from
"Discovery Hit" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
This video is made for a general audience. It can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. Children under the age of 13 can enjoy this video for the Thomas & Friends brand, however teens and adults can also enjoy this video for its production value, nostalgia, information for themselves and their own children. As per the YouTube COPPA Guidelines, this video is akin to "A DIY video teaching hobbyists how to remake dolls or to make clay figurines", as it is a review video for train and Thomas enthusiasts and collectors.

Thomas the Train , Thomas Train , Thomas The Tank Engine Tomas i drugari , Thomas e seus amigos , 托马斯&朋友 , 湯馬仕小火車 , Tomica i Prijatelji , Locomotiva Tomáš , Thomas Og Vennerne , Tuomas Veturi , Thomas et ses Amis , Thomas và những người bạn , homas le Petit Train , Thomas, die kleine Lokomotive , Thomas und seine Freunde , Τομας το Τρενακι , Ka'aahi Thomas , थॉमस टैंक इंजन और दोस्तों , Thomas a Gözmozdony , Thomas és Baratai , Tommi togvagn og vinir hans , תומס הקטר , Il Trenino Thomas , きかんしゃトーマス , 꼬마기관차 토마스와 친구들 , Thomas y sus Amigos , توماس والأصدقاء , Thomas de Stoomlocomotief , Lokomotivet Thomas , Tomek i Przyjaciele , Thomas o Trem Azul ,Locomotiva Thomas și prietenii săi , Томас и друзья , Lokomotivček Tomaž in prijatelji , Thomas och Vännerna , 湯瑪士小火車 , โทมัสและเพื่อน. , Thomas ve Arkadaşları , Паровоз Томас та його друз Fuck fuck fuck, shit, shit, not made for kids content


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