Hearthstone Cinematic Supercut

Описание к видео Hearthstone Cinematic Supercut

Which Cinematic is your favorite?

This video cuts all the cinematics together from 10 years of Hearthstone. Cinematics for Expansions, Adventures and Mini-sets that had one.

Playlist for all the cinematics:    • Hearthstone Trailers  

0:00 Launch
0:24 Naxxramas
0:50 Goblins vs Gnomes
1:09 Blackrock Mountain
1:42 The Grand Tournament
1:59 League of Explorers
2:18 Whispers of the Old Gods
2:44 One Night in Karazhan
3:24 Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
3:47 Journey to Un’goro
4:11 Knights of the Frozen Throne
4:46 Kobolds and Catacombs
5:16 The Witchwood
5:38 The Boomsday Project
6:05 Rastakhan’s Rumble
6:37 Rise of Shadows
7:11 Saviors of Uldum
7:57 Descent of Dragons
8:28 Galakrond’s Awakening Mini-set
8:56 Ashes of Outland
9:25 Scholomance Academy
9:50 Madness at the Darkmoon Faire
10:19 Forged in the Barrens
10:47 Wailing Caverns Mini-set
11:15 United in Stormwind
11:44 Deadmines Mini-set
12:13 Fractured in Alterac Valley
12:54 Onyxia’s Lair Mini-set
13:30 Voyage to the Sunken City
14:07 Murder at Castle Nathria
14:39 March of the Lich King
15:20 Festival of Legends
15:54 TITANS
16:12 Showdown in the Badlands
16:39 Whizbang’s Workshop
17:00 Perils in Paradise

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