MASTER HEALTH CHECKUP IN TAMIL | Required Test Details| plans |Who need which test ?

Описание к видео MASTER HEALTH CHECKUP IN TAMIL | Required Test Details| plans |Who need which test ?


A master health check-up is a number of clinical tests utilised to assess the overall health of a person. The master health checkup includes a physical examination ultrasound and laboratory investigations that help evaluate the health of your vital organs and metabolism to identify any early symptoms of diseases to manage individual health better.

There are many measures one can take to prepare for a master health checkup. Your healthcare partner will provide a list of pre-test preparations associated with the check-up to support optimum effectiveness. It is crucial if you notice something unusual about your body, make it a point to discuss it with your doctor before the checkup. A master health checkup tests can help detect early signs of a debilitating disease that can be treated accordingly.

The exact tests included in your master health checkups can vary according to your medical history, doctor recommendations and healthcare partner service provider. But It is recommended that before you can go through any tests, your doctor will ask you a comprehensive list of questions that will give him a brief idea about your general health. These questions can be grouped into:

Clinical History– If you have taken tests in the past, the results will be updated in your medical records. These tests include pap tests, cholesterol and blood tests that your doctor will first refer to before ordering any more tests. You will also be asked about your family’s health history to detect any hereditary of diseases.

Lifestyle– As your lifestyle can have a big impact on your health, your doctor will ask you several questions regarding your work-life balance, living conditions and level of physical activity.

Normal body functions- Your doctor will ask you questions about your daily functions such as eating, sleeping and bowel movements.

Based on the preliminary exam, your doctor will recommend further tests. This general health check-up list includes blood, urine tests, x-rays and ultrasounds. While the exact tests you will be asked to undergo will depend on your doctor. Here are some tests that are usually administered by physicians as part of the health checkup package:

A general (preliminary work up) physical exam: This is a basic clinical examination that includes recording of your weight, height, BMI and blood pressure measurements.

Blood tests are an important part of a master health checkup to detect anaemia, infections and the onset of a more debilitating disease.

Liver and kidney function tests are performed to ensure the proper functioning of the organs and identify any potential diseases that could cause problems if left untreated.

Blood sugar is tested to identify potential diabetes or prediabetes conditions. This test is very important as early detection can prevent the onset of the disease if you make drastic simple lifestyle changes in the early stages.

An X-RAY and ECG is taken to monitor vital functions of your heart and lungs your organs in the chest area and uniformity of the heartbeat. This can help detect signs of dangerous chest/ respiratory infections and cardiac disorders.

A urine test analysis is done as it is a valuable indicator to assess the overall health providing information relating to metabolic health, renal health, fever and even cancer!

A master health checkup can cost anywhere between INR 3000-4000 depending on clinical recommendations and your choice.



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