Do you always ovulate if you get an LH surge (Ovulation Test Surge)? | Confirm Ovulation

Описание к видео Do you always ovulate if you get an LH surge (Ovulation Test Surge)? | Confirm Ovulation

Knowing if or when you ovulate is the most important factor when trying to get pregnant. Premom can help you predict and confirm you are ovulating so you can get pregnant fast.
Download the Premom Ovulation & Fertility Tracker App:

Fertility & Pregnancy Products:
Smart Basal Body Thermometer:

Easy@Home 50 LH + 20 HCG Test Strips:

Quantitative LH Strips:

Learn more at:​

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*Premom is intended for educational and informational purposes only. We do not offer any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatments. Always consult your physician or other appropriate medical professionals if you have any medical questions, conditions, or any other medical emergencies. The products and services are not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for the professional service or practitioner.*

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Premom is an ovulation & period tracking app helping women track their cycles, get pregnant fast or just learn more about their own health. We are sharing fertility facts, helpful tips, and advice for women looking to learn more about: getting pregnant, trying to conceive, trying to avoid pregnancy, pregnancy tracking, ovulation, periods, fertility, and more.


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