Yin Yoga to stretch the whole body - sharing this practice from Laos

Описание к видео Yin Yoga to stretch the whole body - sharing this practice from Laos

In this calm yin yoga Class we will be moving slowly our body in postures that stretches the different sides of the body.

Toe Squat to open our toes and mind
Caterpillar to stretch the back of the body
Bananasana to stretch the both sides of the body
Waterfall to bring the blood flow in the opposite direction
Reclining Swam
Reclining Twist

Yin yoga is a practice where we hold the postures for long. It’s important to respect our body and this 3 principles:

- find your posture, where you feel you are working but not straining
- hold the posture for 2 minutes up to 20 minutes
- stay calm and relaxed

Since I started to practice Yin Yoga I felt so good that I want to bring you some practices for you to try.

I am Portuguese and my English is not perfect but I hope you can understand me.

As I am shooting outside, there are always noises around that’s why sometimes I need to cut the video.

This videos are all shoot by myself alone in the places where I find the conditions to do it.

The good thing is that you have Yoga Classes from around the world: Mexico, Salvador, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Brasil, Thailand and Laos. And you have my traveler experience as well in all this countries and the next ones.

I need to emphasize: If you suffer from any health condition is recommended to do a medical check up before starting any Yoga practice.

Thank you once more for your trust, time, and patience.

Namaste 🙏


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