Lauv - I Like Me Better (Miro Remix)

Описание к видео Lauv - I Like Me Better (Miro Remix)

#ilmbremix ‪@lauvsongs‬ ‪@SKIOMusic‬
a message from miro regarding this remix: My musical tastes have changed drastically over the past year, which is why my production has been a bit slower than usual. I saw Lauv hosting this remix contest - I thought it would be a good opportunity to put my inspiration from my new musical tastes into my production combined with the vocals from one of my favourite ever vocalists. I hope you enjoy my remix of 'I Like Me Better' :)

i like me better when im with u x)

  / iammiro_  
  / lauvsongs  

photo by Paolo Raeli
  / paoloraeli  


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