AutoPot 1Pot Module Setup

Описание к видео AutoPot 1Pot Module Setup

The 1Pot is the number one best seller for AutoPot in the UK and performs extremely well in both national and international horticultural markets.

Whatever medium you choose the 1Pot System enables gardeners and growers of all abilities to achieve incredible yields from their plants.

The 1Pot System is easily extended and many 15L pots can be linked to a single reservoir. The pots and trays are modular and can be easily spaced apart as plants grow.

Once assembled, the reservoir is filled with water and liquid fertiliser (if required), the system will completely take care of all your plant’s feeding requirements, providing them with fresh, balanced feed throughout their entire life cycle.

This versatile system can be used in the home, greenhouse, poly-tunnel or garden to feed and water your plants and offers an easy and efficient watering system for all manner of crops whether edible or ornamental.

For further info, resources and prices on 1Pot visit:

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