The Hidden Lesson in Elden Ring’s Story

Описание к видео The Hidden Lesson in Elden Ring’s Story

I expected From Software to answer my objective questions with objective, logical answers. Because of these expectations, I soured any pleasant experience I could have had with the story after the honeymoon phase ended once I finished my long awaited first playthrough.

I was angry, confused, and honestly taken back at the decisions Fromsoft chose to take the story in Shadow of the Erdtree. I felt like the DLC was so disconnected from the main game of Elden Ring that I struggled to even open the game for a while. As someone who spent the better part of two years exploring, theorizing, and “fan-ficing” my heart away, I truly believed that I knew exactly what would take place in the Realm of Shadow before we even got it.

I can’t believe after thousands of hours spent playing and claiming to understand the story of this game, that I would let my objective fact checking blind me from what this game’s story truly is.

➤ Twitch:   / agtjakob  
➤ 2nd Channel:    / @moreagtjake  

#eldenring #gaming #shadowoftheerdtree


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