Manali to Leh by Bus Service Timings, Fares - HRTC, HPTDC | Delhi to Leh Ladakh by Bus | Dheeraj

Описание к видео Manali to Leh by Bus Service Timings, Fares - HRTC, HPTDC | Delhi to Leh Ladakh by Bus | Dheeraj

Do you want to travel from Manali to Leh by bus or from Delhi to Leh by bus directly? Do you need information about these bus services running between Manali and Leh or Delhi to Leh like:

Is there any Delhi to Leh bus service?
What is the timing of Delhi - Leh Bus?
Bus Fare for Delhi to Srinagar Bus?
Is there any Manali to Leh bus service?
What is the timing of Manali to Leh Bus or Leh to Manali by bus?
What is the cost or bus fare for Manali to Leh Bus:
Is there any Volov bus from Manali to Leh?

Well, in this video, I talk about all these questions and much more about your trip from Manali to Leh over Manali Leh Highway and Delhi to Leh via Manali - Keylong using public transport.

Bus Fare for Manali to Leh Bus: ~Rs 3100 for HPTDC tourist bus from Manali to Leh as of 2023. This price includes dormitory accommodation, dinner, and breakfast at HPTDC Hotel Chandrabhaga.

Important Timestamps:

0:00 Intro
0:59 Preferred Route for Ladakh trip by Bus
2:00 Delhi to Manali Buses - Volvo, Standard HRTC
3:46 HRTC Bus v/s HPTDC Bus for Manali to Leh Trip
4:46 Manali Leh HPTDC Bus Timings
6:17 Leh to Manali HPTDC Bus Timings
6:46 Manali - Leh HPTDC Bus Fare
7:23 HPTDC Online Bookings
8:41 Manali to Leh HRTC Direct Bus Timings, Fares
9:57 Manali - Keylong - Leh HRTC Bus Timings, Fares
11:40 HRTC Bus Online Bookings
12:23 Delhi to Leh Direct Bus Timings
14:33 Direct Leh to Delhi Bus Timings
15:11 Delhi to Leh Bus Fare
16:07 Where to book Delhi - Leh bus HRTC?
17:08 Outro

If you need more details about traveling from Manali to Leh by bus or Delhi to Leh by bus, then continue reading my article on the link

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My gear for shooting this video:
🎥 DJI Osmo:
🎬 iPhone 13 Pro Max:
🎙 Blue Yeti Microphone:
💡 Lighting Setup:
📽 Vanguard Tripod for Camera:
📽 Boom Stand Tripod for Blue Yeti Microphone:
🎙 RØDE Wireless Microphone:

Himalayan Travel Gear Packing Lists:
🎒 Zanskar/Spiti/Ladakh Trip Packing List:
🚙 40 Must-Have Items to Pack for Spiti/Ladakh Self-Drive Trip:
🏍️ Zanskar/Spiti/Ladakh Bike Ride Packing List:
🥾 12 Must-Have Things to Carry on Hiking or Trekking Trips:

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👨‍🦲 Who am I?
I am Dheeraj Sharma - a traveler, techie, and Himalayan lover. Since 2009, I have been helping thousands of travelers every year plan memorable & budget-friendly trips to the Himalayas - Smartly, Safely, and responsibly.

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