FPV Porch Pilots Club | Runcam Thumb 2 Settings Test | Cinewhoop

Описание к видео FPV Porch Pilots Club | Runcam Thumb 2 Settings Test | Cinewhoop

In this test run I tried the MEDIUM video quality setting at 4K/60fps as it captures at 80 mbps allowing about a 6 minute run time before a 2nd MP4 file is spawned at the 4GB point. If you use gyroflow, the associated gyro data file is only generated for the first MP4 file in a series currently.

As you can tell, the dark areas are crushed and look muddy with the settings I used for this flight. I think I can improve that a lot. The sun flares you see were partially due to a somewhat dirty lens on this flight as I tumble-landed the prior flight in the grass and didn't clean the lens. My bad.

I've not been able to get the native "superstabilized" setting in this camera to work. I've also have had a lot of flights where the camera just quits recording mid-flight, same as what is common with prior thumbs. It also seems to act totally dead and will not power on for many minutes afterwards once it dies; likely it's overheating. There may be some things that can be done to cool it better. Running at 4K/30 may help. I'll have to dabble with it. Stay tuned.


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