Invisible Illness and The Princess Mentality | Tracy McDowell | TEDxSDMesaCollege

Описание к видео Invisible Illness and The Princess Mentality | Tracy McDowell | TEDxSDMesaCollege

Someday my prince will come? Try someday my doctor will come. For Tracy McDowell living with a variety of invisible illnesses much of her life felt like being a Disney Princess waiting around for someone (a doctor) to save her. In this empowering talk, which she admittedly gave while quite sick, the audience gets an exclusive of why the Disney mantra of dreaming is worthwhile, especially in her case in spite of chronic pain condition included. Her raw, very honest talk gives a window into the ups and downs of an invisible illness and genetic disorder while ensuring that the audience focuses on what she wants to and can achieve, rather than what is “wrong” with her. Using Disney stories as metaphors (and even a princess wig), Tracy implores us to be ourselves and tell our own stories by identifying and pursuing our dreams.
Tracy McDowell graduated from The University of California San Diego with a specialized degree is Storytelling. She recently left a position created for her as an elementary school Integrative Art Teacher where she was crafting storytelling and movement-centric curriculum. In her off, time she sings at a few jazz gigs, plays a lot of piano, walks her doggies on the beach, and eats anything she can find that she isn’t allergic to (which is practically nothing). She is incredibly grateful for her friend and family who love and support her. She currently works as a traveling Feng Shui Consultant and yoga teacher in the San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco areas while auditioning and deciding if she wants to dive into entertainment. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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