In 2018, with colleagues from N3design, they made a series of image clips about the development strategy of MMC Norilsk Nickel. The task is to show the company's extensive network of assets and talk about its projects - technological, environmental and social.
We presented the company as a complex, schematic interface with digitalization — open and underground mines, processing plants, metallurgical and refining plants, and the transportation of ore, ore concentrates, metals and other flows. They stratified the logo and created the visual “World of Norilsk Nickel” - a multi-layered structure with global geography and chains of production processes.

The key themes of this series were the reconfiguration of production, the “sulfur project”, the introduction of electrical extraction technology, the digitalization of mines, the development of regions of presence, the joint project “Norilsk Nickel” and BASF, as well as headhunting. Meet the reconfiguration of the Norilsk Nickel production chain in just 80 seconds: what, where, why?


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