
Описание к видео #Java

Very frequent questions asked in Java Semester Exams in diffrent Universities.


Unit – I
1. Discuss various Java Buzzwords in detail
2. Discuss the features of Java in detail.
3. Explain different types of Data Types in detail.
4. List and explain different looping statements with suitable examples.
5. State and discuss different types of conditional control statements in Java.
6. What is Type Casting? Describe type casting mechanism with examples.
Explain Data Conversion with suitable examples.
7. Demonstrate Nested and Inner Classes.
8. Describe Recursion. Write a short note on Recursion with an example.
9. Define String class. List and explain the methods defined in String class.
10. What is the need of this keyword? Briefly discuss.
11. Discuss different types of Constructors?
12. Define Access Specifier. Discuss in brief.

Unit – II
13. List and explain different types of Inheritances.
Discuss different forms of Inheritances with suitable examples.
14. Write a short note on Method Overloading.
15. Discuss Method Overriding in detail.
16. Differentiate Method Overloading and Method Overriding.
17. Explain the need of super keyword in Java
18. Describe the need of final keyword in detail.
19. Define an Interface. Discuss interface in detail.
20. Is Java supports Multiple Inheritance? Justify with your answer.
21. Explain how Java supports Multiple Inheritance? Explain in detail.
22. What is an Abstract Class? Explain with an example.
23. State and explain the different pre-defined packages in Java.
24. Explain the predefined Java API or Java Library in detail.
25. Explain the concept of Polymorphism in detail.
26. How Polymorphism is achieved in Java? Explain in detail.
(Method Overloading and Method Overriding)

Unit – III
27. State and explain different types of errors in Java.
28. How to handle an Exception in Java? Explain with an example.
Discuss the constructs try, catch, finally with an example.
29. How can we handle multiple exceptions in Java? Explain.
30. Define throw and throws.
31. Discuss different types of Exceptions in Java.(Pre: Checked and Unchecked)
32. List and explain various Built-in-Exceptions in Java.
33. How can we create multiple threads in Java? Explain.
34. Discuss Life Cycle methods of a Thread with an example.
35. Explain auto-boxing with suitable examples.
36. Discuss the use of Scanner class with an example program.
37. Define Enumeration in Java.

38. Discuss AWT Class Hierarchy.
39. List and explain various AWT Components in Java with an example program.
40. Write a short note on Event Delegation Model.
41. Discuss different types of Layout Managers in Java.
42. State and explain Mouse Events with an example.
43. Write a short note on Key Events.
44. Describe the need of Adapter Class.

Unit – V
45. Differentiate Applet and Applications.
46. Explain the life cycle of an Applet.
47. How to pass parameters to an Applet? Explain with an example.
48. Write a brief note on MVC Architecture.
49. Discuss different Swing Components JFrame, JButton, and Checkboxes with examples.
50. Contrast and Compare Applet and Swing.


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