CTGP-R 1.03 on Dolphin Guide

Описание к видео CTGP-R 1.03 on Dolphin Guide

You need to dolphin 5.0-18192 or later. This is in the beta and dev builds (not stable). The special build in the video is no longer needed.
CTGP: https://www.chadsoft.co.uk/
30fps code: https://mariokartwii.com/showthread.p...

Q: Performance is bad
A: Yes, it is currently very slow. But to give the best chance at fullspeed make sure you are using my suggestions:
1: time trials only
2: turn off Write-Back Cache and load a savestate
3: Reduce Emulated CPU Clock (don't do it too much or the game will be in slow motion at "fullspeed")
4: 30fps cheat
5: General OS/Dolphin stuff like windows high performance mode

Q: I did that and it's still too slow
A: Not much else you can do to directly run CTGP. But you can still play custom tracks with a guide like    • How to play CTGP Custom Tracks on Dol...  
I would recommend following mvrck's comment about extracting the disc instead, though.

Q: Where do I get MKWii?
A: You must dump it from a game disk https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.ph...
I will not help with piracy.

Q: Install gets stuck around 24%
A: Likely a bad dump. Verify your game (in dolphin, right click MKWii, properties, verify). If you don't get good dump it is probably your problem.

Q: CTGP-R channel is an infinite black screen
A: In Config → Advanced, check "Enable Write-Back Cache (slow)"

Q: CTGP-R crashes soon after launch (before selecting license)
A: Try disabling Config → Advanced → MMU. Ignore the resulting popup.

Q: When launching CTGP-R channel, I get IntCPU Unknown Instruction?
A: Disable the 30fps cheat from the properties menu.

Q: Where do I get the MKWii ISO?
A: Dump the disc you own https://dolphin-emu.org/docs/guides/r... I will not help with other methods.

Q: CTGP doesn't show in the game list
A: 1:43. Make sure the boot.dol in the folder is either directly in one of the dolphin game paths or deeper inside one of the paths with search subfolders enabled.

Text Guide:
1. Download the latest beta or dev build
2. Use 7zip/winrar to extract and install it
3. Download CTGP-R
4. Load up dolphin and go to Config → Wii.
5. If you've used dolphin before, hit "Convert File to Folder Now". If you don't have anything on your sd card this will error, but this is fine.
6. Go to Documents/Dolphin Emulator/Load/WiiSDSync and copy the CTGP files
7. Also, go to the apps folder and copy the ctgpr folder to your roms. Make sure boot.dol is in your game list.
8. In Config → Wii. Click "Convert Folder to File Now" and close the window
9. In Config → Advanced, check "Enable Write-Back Cache (slow)"
10. Right click Mario Kart Wii and click "Set as Default ISO"
11. Go to Tools → Perform Online System Update
"Current Region" if availible, otherwise choose region of game.
This is needed to get savestates to work.
12. Launch the CTGP-R Channel and run through the normal setup

It should now be working, but you should do a few things to help performance.
13. Once you get to the menu, make a savestate and close the game. Turn off Write-Back Cache and load normal MKWii. Load the savestate, and you should have somewhat better performance.
14. Reduce the Emulated CPU clock. But if you reduce it too much the game will be in slow motion at "100%" speed.
15. Try the 30fps cheat code (Do not enable this code while launching the CTGP-R channel, or it will crash)

0:00 Dolphin setup
2:53 CTGP setup
3:59 Performance settings
5:52 Sample lap
6:48 30fps example


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