ADVENTURE MAN EP 46। Andharmanik Bandarban । এডভেঞ্চার ম্যান বাংলাদেশ। ‍Adventure man Bangladesh

Описание к видео ADVENTURE MAN EP 46। Andharmanik Bandarban । এডভেঞ্চার ম্যান বাংলাদেশ। ‍Adventure man Bangladesh

ADVENTURE MAN EP 46। Andharmanik Bandarban । এডভেঞ্চার ম্যান বাংলাদেশ। ‍Adventure man Bangladesh

S U B S C R I B E O U R Y O U T U B E C H A N N E L Adventure Man bd | এ্যাডভেঞ্চার ম্যান | Ft. Shishir Salman | NTV Adventure Show 2019 | Presented by Shishir Salman

About: Presenter
Shishir Salman Presenter of NTV Adventure Men TV Show of Bangladesh. This is a survivor show. Shown here. How to return to life from remote mountainous areas. And this is the world's 2nd Survival TV show. Inspired by Discovery Channel's man vs wild. And Shishir Salman is a big fan of Bear Grylls. He likes adventures. Likes Traveling and Wildlife. Surviving, jungle, mountain, hills, river and sea.


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