
Описание к видео 【MBT-LAW】英國瑞典共同研發下一代終極坦克殺手,一枚擊毀一輛坦克,單兵就可操作打完就扔,當今主戰坦克的最大威脅

輕型反坦克武器(MBT LAW),也被稱為NLAW,是一個聯合英國和瑞典的短程發射後不管 反坦克導彈系統。 MBT LAW 專為步兵使用而設計,肩部發射且一次性使用,發射一次後丟棄。它目前在英國、芬蘭、盧森堡和瑞典等國的軍隊中使用。
The light anti-tank weapon (MBT LAW), also known as NLAW, is a short-range anti-tank missile system that combines Britain and Sweden after launch. MBT LAW is specially designed for infantry use. It is launched from the shoulder and is for one-time use. It is discarded after one launch. It is currently used in the military of the United Kingdom, Finland, Luxembourg, and Sweden.


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